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Children Choral Masters - online master class
Join us for a unique online masterclass led by renowned children’s choir conductors from around the globe! In this interactive session, you’ll experience expert presentation, hands-on exercises and live Q&A and discussions.
08.03.2025 11:00 (Finland UTC+2, 17:00 Singapore Time)
Darius Lim, Singapore: The Magic of Children’s Voices
22.03.2025 12:00 (Finland UTC+2, 10:00 Great Britain time)
Mat Wright, Great Britain: Building a vibrant choir community
05.04.2025 11:00 (Finland UTC+3, 20:00 New Zealand time)
Karen Grylls, New Zealand: View from the choir: a New Zealand picture
12.04.2025 19:00 (Finland UTC+3, 12:00 Toronto time)
Zimfira Poloz, Canada: Conducting Techniques and Voice Training for Children
03.05.2025 11:00 (Finland UTC+3, 11:00 Estonian time)
Aarne Saluveer, Estonia: Lets start a children choir! Repertoire and teaching tips for children choir conductors
All lectures included
Individual lectures
Normal price 27,50 €
Member’s price (Nuorten Kuoroliitto or DUNK - De Ungas Musikförbund i Svenskfinland) 22,50 €
Student 12,50 €
The lectures last 90 minutes
Ticket includes service fee

08.03.2025 11:00 (Finland UTC+2, 17:00 Singapore Time)
Darius Lim, Singapore: The Magic of Children’s Voices
22.03.2025 12:00 (Finland UTC+2, 10:00 Great Britain time)
Mat Wright, Great Britain: Building a vibrant choir community
05.04.2025 11:00 (Finland UTC+3, 20:00 New Zealand time)
Karen Grylls, New Zealand: View from the choir: a New Zealand picture
12.04.2025 19:00 (Finland UTC+3, 12:00 Toronto time)
Zimfira Poloz, Canada: Conducting Techniques and Voice Training for Children
03.05.2025 11:00 (Finland UTC+3, 11:00 Estonian time)
Aarne Saluveer, Estonia: Lets start a children choir! Repertoire and teaching tips for children choir conductors
All lectures included
Normal price 105,50 €
Member’s price (Nuorten Kuoroliitto or DUNK - De Ungas Musikförbund i Svenskfinland) 84,50 €
Individual lectures
Normal price 27,50 €
Member’s price (Nuorten Kuoroliitto or DUNK - De Ungas Musikförbund i Svenskfinland) 22,50 €
Student 12,50 €
The lectures last 90 minutes
Ticket includes service fee

- Zoom distance lecture Nuorten Kuoroliitto ry00180 Helsinki
- 8.3.2025-3.5.2025
- 12,5-105,5 €
- Available
- Limited
- Sold Out
- Cancelled
- Sales blocked
Sat 8.3.2025 11amAll lectures includedChildren Choral Masters - online master classChildren Choral Masters - online master classAll lectures included84,5 - 105,5 €
Sat 8.3.2025 11amDarius Lim, Singapore: The Magic of Children’s VoicesChildren Choral Masters - online master classChildren Choral Masters - online master classDarius Lim, Singapore: The Magic of Children’s Voices12,5 - 27,5 €
Sat 22.3.2025 12pmMat Wright, Great Britain: Building a vibrant choir communityChildren Choral Masters - online master classChildren Choral Masters - online master classMat Wright, Great Britain: Building a vibrant choir community12,5 - 27,5 €
Sat 5.4.2025 11amKaren Grylls, New Zealand: View from the choir: a New Zealand pictureChildren Choral Masters - online master classChildren Choral Masters - online master classKaren Grylls, New Zealand: View from the choir: a New Zealand picture12,5 - 27,5 €
Sat 12.4.2025 19pmZimfira Poloz, Canada: Conducting Techniques and Voice Training for ChildrenChildren Choral Masters - online master classChildren Choral Masters - online master classZimfira Poloz, Canada: Conducting Techniques and Voice Training for Children12,5 - 27,5 €
Sat 3.5.2025 11amAarne Saluveer, Estonia: Lets start a children choir!Children Choral Masters - online master classChildren Choral Masters - online master classAarne Saluveer, Estonia: Lets start a children choir!12,5 - 27,5 €